Tanglewood Farm’s Miniature Pigs are the smallest mini pigs in the world! Keith Connell imported the first Vietnamese Potbellied Pigs to the United States from Canada in 1986. Tanglewood Farm raises true Foundation Miniature Potbellied Pigs that were direct imports from Canada in the early 1990s. There is limited genetics for our bloodlines. We do not cross them with other larger breeds of pigs such as Kune Kunes, Julianas, Tamworths or Gloucester Old Spots as other so called “mini” pig breeders do to create a “designer” breed which ultimately will be small as a baby, but will grow into a large pig due to its genetics.

At maturity, our Miniature Potbellied Pigs are 10 to 15 inches tall. Their length should be in proportion to height. The average weight is 25 to 55 pounds. The usual color is all black. Other rare colors include all white (pink) or black and white pintos with blue eyes. Miniature Potbellied Pigs have a sway back and a straight tail. Male pigs are called boars. Female pigs are called sows. Tanglewood Farm raises tiny, gentle Miniature Pigs that are used as Therapy Pigs in our Mini-stries.

Miniature Potbellied Pigs for Sale

Please contact us if you are interested in purchasing one of our Miniature Pigs! Update FEBRUARY 2025, we have baby piglets ready for new homes!


For Sale


For Sale


For Sale


For Sale


For Sale


For Sale


As featured on Good Morning America, Tanglewood has been raising true tiny pigs since 1993. We show you babies,
their parents, and grandparents. We have twelve generations and thirty breeders that are full grown under 25 pounds. We are the ONLY breeder in the USA raising purebred foundation bloodlines of Registered Miniature Potbellied Pigs since they were first brought into the United States.
For more information, visit www.miniaturepotbelliedpigregistry.com


Learn About Miniature Potbellied Pigs

Miniature Vietnamese Potbellied Pigs have quickly gained popularity for a number of reasons. They are exceptionally neat when given the opportunity to be so. They only become dirty when kept in surroundings that prevent them from being clean. They are not finicky eaters, don’t bark and rarely shed. Their tremendous intelligence and amiable nature are quickly making them a strong contender as America’s favorite pig.

It takes three months, three weeks and three days to have baby piglets . Our babies here at Tanglewood are only 2 inches tall and 2 ounces when they are born. Because our mama pigs are so small, there are usually only four to six piglets in a litter. Because of their tiny size, they are usually weaned between 16 and 20 weeks old. Once weaned from mama’s milk, they are then bottle fed and eating an organic diet along with their Pig Chow. We also give them vitamins and fresh water. They are pee pad and litter box trained. Miniature pigs live up to 25 years.

We have litters of baby potbellied pigs available in the Spring and in the Winter around the holidays. They range in color from blacks, whites (pinks), and black and white pintos. Many of the babies have blue eyes. The average full grown adult height is 10 to 15 inches tall and weight is approximately 25 to 55 pounds.

We are very proud of the daily handling and care given to our miniatures here at Tanglewood Farm. We provide proper nutrition and quality veterinary care to all of our animals. Our livestock is current on vaccinations, dental checkups, hoof care, and worming. The health of our animals is very important to us, and we follow rather strict practices. We maintain a closed herd, which means we do not bring in any new animals, embryos or semen. Once an animal is sold, it may not be returned. So that we do not unintentionally introduce disease into our herds, we do not bring our animals to shows, and we do not borrow or lend animals for breeding. We prefer weanlings do not leave Tanglewood Farm before they are 6 months of age. They need time to grow and play with other weanlings, receive discipline from their mothers, and time to change their diet gradually to eliminate the desire for mother’s milk. This also enables Tanglewood Farm time to handle and bottle feed the babies.

Foundation Miniature Potbellied Pigs

Tanglewood’s Bonnie Blue Butler 2

This is Bonnie Blue. She is a beautiful 2015 spotted pink breeder with blue eyes. She is only 11 inches tall and 20 pounds.

Tanglewood’s Prissy 2

This is Prissy. She is a beautiful black and white 2015 breeder with brown eyes. She is only 11 inches tall and 20 pounds.

Tanglewood’s Maybelle Merriwether 2

This is Maybelle. She is a beautiful 2015 spotted pink breeder with blue eyes. She is only 11 inches tall and 25 pounds.

Tanglewood’s Aunt Piggypat Hamilton 2

This is Aunt Piggypat. She is a beautiful 2015 spotted pink breeder with blue eyes. She is only 12 inches tall and 25 pounds.

Tanglewood’s Emmy Slattery 2

This is Emmy Slattery. She is a beautiful 2015 fancy feathered pinto breeder with blue eyes. She is only 11 inches tall and 25 pounds. Retired.

Tanglewood’s Melanie Hamilton 2

This is Melanie. She is a beautiful spotted 2013 pink breeder with blue eyes. She is only 11 inches tall and 25 pounds. Retired.

Tanglewood’s Pork, Too

This is Pork, Too. He is a beautiful spotted 2014 pink breeder with blue eyes. He is only 11 inches tall and 25 pounds.

Tanglewood’s Pork

This is Pork. He is a 2012 perfect spotted pink breeder with blue eyes. He is only 11 inches tall and 25 pounds.

Tanglewood’s Ashley

This is Ashley. He is a 2011 beautiful pink breeder with blue eyes and a wonderful temperament. He is only 11 inches tall and 25 pounds.

Tanglewood’s Emmy Slattery

This is Emmy. She is a 2011 beautiful spotted pink breeder with blue eyes. She is only 11 inches tall and 25 pounds. Retired.

Tanglewood’s Maybelle Merriwether

This is Maybelle Merriwether. She is a beautiful 2011 fancy pinto breeder with blue eyes. She is only 12 inches tall and 25 pounds. Retired.

Tanglewood’s Dolly Merriwether

This is Dolly Merriwether. She is a beautiful 2011 fancy pinto breeder with blue eyes. She is only 12 inches tall and 25 pounds. Retired.

Tanglewood’s India Wilkes

This is India Wilkes. She is a beautiful 2011 fancy pinto breeder with blue eyes. She is only 12 inches tall and 25 pounds. Retired.

Tanglewood’s Belle Watling

This is Belle Watling. She is a beautiful spotted 2008 pink breeder with blue eyes. She is only 11 inches tall and 20 pounds. Retired.

Miniature Potbellied Pigs

Tanglewood’s Bonnie Blue Butler

This is a 2008 spotted pink girl with blue eyes. She is 10 inches tall and 15 pounds. Retired.

Tanglewood’s Prissy

This is a 2008 black and white female who is 10 inches tall and 14 pounds. Retired.

Tanglewood’s Scarlett O’Hama 2

This is Scarlett. She is a 2008 black and white feathered fancy pinto with blue eyes. She is 10 inches tall and 22 pounds. Retired.

Tanglewood’s Suellen O’Hama 2

This is Suellen. She is a 2008 fancy pinto panda. She is 10 inches tall and 22 pounds. Retired.

Tanglewood’s Rhett Gruntler, Jr.

This is a 2006 black and white fancy pinto male with blue eyes. He is only 10 inches tall and weighs only 23 pounds. He throws tiny babies. Retired.

Tanglewood’s Mammy

This is a 2006 black female breeder and measures 13 inches tall and weighs 28 pounds. She has been retired from our breeding program.

Tanglewood’s Aunt Piggypat Ham-ilton

This is a 2005 blue eyed pink breeder. She is 13 inches tall and 30 pounds. She has been retired from our breeding program.

Tanglewood’s Melanie Ham-ilton

Melanie was born in 2000 and is a fancy black and white dalmation with blue eyes. She is only 10 inches tall and 22 pounds. She has been retired from our breeding program.

Tanglewood’s Scarlett O’Hama 1993

Fancy Black and White Pinto with Blue eyes. Tiny girl with such a sweet disposition. Retired. RIP Scarlett.



Tanglewood’s Rhett Gruntler 1993

Fancy Black and White Pinto with Blue eyes. Wonderful disposition. Retired. RIP Rhett.


Tanglewood’s Rhett Gruntler 1993

Fancy Black and White Pinto with Blue eyes. Wonderful disposition. Retired. RIP Rhett.

Pinto Pete Jr. 1990


Pinto Pete 1988